bonus points

Make full use of the 25 bonus points in HL maths (while it’s there)

Make full use of the 25 extra points in HL maths (while it’s there)

I read in the Irish Times that they want drop the  25 extra points for Higher Level Maths. This took me by surprise.

I think it’s crazy to get rid of them. However, I do understand the logic.

Why They Want To Get Rid of Them

The bonus points scheme was introduced in 2012. Since then, there’s been a 130% increase in HL Maths leaving cert students.

Students have copped on. HL Maths is a free 25 extra points. Why wouldn’t students jump at this opportunity?

But it’s causing issues.

Pressure On The CAO

Look, no hiding it. The bonus points have added pressure to the points race. Over 40000 students are now getting 25 extra points  every year. That’s 1 million extra onto the system.

Talk about inflation. That’s massive extra pressure.

It’s kind of a culmination now of pressure. You have grade inflation of 7.5% per student  since Covid. Each student has been 60 extra points There’s the LC reform now tackling that inflation. The CAO is facing a recording high volume of applications.

60 points + the 25 for maths is now 85 extra points. Come here, someone in 2010, who got 400-ish points would now be a 500 point student. That’s a massive jump. It brings the integrity of the exam into disrepute. Now you can probably understand why they are talking about it.

There’s been an 8.5% rise in overall CAO applications. It’s gone from 77,000 to 83,000. People are getting random choice at 625. They physically couldn’t get any better and yet they still get random choice.  That’s a flawed system.

Here’s the problem. The 2025 students are disadvantaged. They’re going up against students from previous years. Students that had grade inflation caused by the pandemic. That’s a benefit they’re just not getting now.

Just Doing It For The Bonus Points

This is a common quip from teachers. Students who would have done OL maths 15 years ago are now doing higher. And obviously, it’s for the extra points.

If I’m on the fence of HL maths or OL, I’m looking at the stats. 1% of students fail HL maths each year. As of 2020, you only need 30% to pass the HL maths exam. Of course I’ll try higher. My only goal is to the highest points possibly. And if I don’t do it, I’m competing against everyone else who is doing it. In many respects, I have no choice if I’m going for a high points course. I have to do it.

Okay, some people are against this. They are doing HL out of necessity rather than choice. For traditional teachers, it makes the class uneven. Harder to teach. Everyone is working at a different pace.

But again, I’d say that was the only goal. Get people doing HL Maths. Build a stronger workforce understanding of Maths This is creating more STEM focused students. CAO STEM course applications are up 22% this year.  That’s the best news. It’s a direct follow on from more HL Maths students.

It makes sense. The 25 bonus points can be the deciding factor for your CAO results.

Should You Drop Down?

Only 1% Fail

There’s a 99% chance you’ll pass HL Maths. That’s a guarantee each year.

From a practical point of view, if you’re getting 480 with OL Maths, you switch to Higher and suddenly you’re getting 510. That could be the difference of you getting nursing or not. Or getting s course in Cork, or having to travel up the country. Don’t turn a gift horse down. Take advantage while it’s there. You’ll pass. I think anyone who got 60% above in JC is well able for HL LC.

Only 4% of students get the top grade in the exam. You are more than likely to get an O2/O3 in Ordinary Maths than an O1. Even if you’re good, an O1’s not guaranteed. An O2 gives you 46 whereas a H6 gives you 71 points!

Only 1% of students fail HL maths. This won’t change because of the bell curve. You need to get 40% to get the 25 bonus points. You need 30% to pass. The risk is eliminated.

There’s A Caveat

Pushing yourself too hard if you have dyscalculia or other learning difficulties is not the answer.  Teachers fear that the 2025 reformed LC will cause massive stress. If the stress is having an impact on your mental health, ask yourself if you’re able to do it?

Nobody says that HL Maths will be easy. You have to work hard.

And also, be prepped. IT takes 30% more time and effort to do HL maths vs. any other subject. Effort and reward. The squeeze is worth the juice.

What I’d Say

Sticking to HL  maths is the best decision I ever made. You’ll think the same thing too when it’s over. Trust me.

You might as well try. The days of failing Maths and failing your LC are not a risk anymore with a 30% pass rate. There’s almost negligible risk.  If you think you’re able for it, go for it.
Look at the bigger picture. I think keep the points. The government’s goal was more people doing HL Maths. The only problem was it was Too successful. Now students are used to it, they’ve bought in. You can’t just pull it.

People would lose total respect for the government.

I have some suggestions. I Think the CAO needs tweaks, it’s a binary system. Deal with grade inflation and LC reform first. The bonus points should be parked to one side. Let’s see how the next few years go.

In my opinion, it takes 25% more effort to do HL but the reward is worth it. I fully believe that everyone can do Higher Level. There’s no such as a ‘maths’ person. I wasn’t one of them and I still got a H1. It all begins in 1st and 2nd year. Students aren’t given the building blocks they need for the LC. Eliminate that problem, not the points.  

This year, there’s been a 22% rise in STEM course applications. Getting rid of the bonus points would discourage this. Driving students away from HL  shouldn’t be the answer to fixing a flawed system.

TJ Hegarty
TJ Hegarty
Articles: 63