Category Exams Overviews

Leaving Cert Grading System

The Leaving Cert Grading System The Leaving Certificate is the final exam for secondary school students in Ireland. The Department of Education and Skills introduced a new Leaving Certificate grading scale and revised the common points scale in 2017.  All…

Leaving Cert Maths Theorems

Using Geogebra, get access to interactive examples of all Leaving Cert Maths theorems. All links are below to each individual theorem.  Also, find activities at the end. Source:  Here are exercises to practice all of the theorems above and to…

Junior Cycle Maths Theorems

Using GeoGebra, get access to interactive examples of Junior Cert Maths Theorems. All links are below to each individual theorem. Also, find activities at the end. Source:  Geometry and Trigonometry Here are exercises to practice all of the theorems above…