Category Leaving Cert

3 Year Leaving Cert

How to Do a 3 Year Leaving Cert

Doing a 3 year Leaving Cert makes life so much easier. I did this in my school and it’s like a life hack — made such a difference to my points! So what is a 3 year Leaving Cert? The…

Why Grade Inflation Fails Everyone

“To inflate or not to inflate?” That is NOT the question. The problem that inflated grades aimed to solve was the lost learning time due to Covid-19. But what inflated grades actually addressed was the grading system—not the underlying issue.…

5th Year Maths – Your Ultimate Guide

God lads, 5th year is hard. No doubt about it. The jump from Junior Cycle to Leaving Cert, for Higher Level Maths, is seriously difficult. Ordinary level Maths for 5th year is not as bad a jump, in all honesty.…

Leaving Cert Timetable

The Leaving Cert Timetable The 2025 Leaving Cert will begin on June 4th. It’s an early start this year! You’ll need to keep a track of these dates. Stick them on the fridge, whatever. I’ve attached the PDF file so…

Average Leaving Cert Points

The last couple of years have seen a lot of changes to the average Leaving Cert points… Ever since the pandemic hit our shores back in 2020, the points system has been in a hoop. That summer, the Leaving Cert…