How to Get 625 points in The Leaving Cert

How to get 625 points in the Leaving Cert? Now that’s an answer we can help you with!😉

According to the CAO, among the 57,952 students who sat for the Leaving Cert in 2021, around 5.7% of students obtained 600+ points. Around 2.3% of students achieved the highest 625 points in the Leaving Cert 2021. The remarkable point scores are a result of Covid-19-mandated assessment reforms, but college officials caution that the past two years’ astronomical rises are unsustainable. Although the increase in points has been driven by revised assessment methods, it is still possible for students to achieve 625 points in their Leaving Cert this year by taking the following steps.

1. Work on understanding the topic

When you work to understand the topic and the questions as opposed to just learning off answers, you become much more comfortable with what is being asked and you will be well positioned to deal with any type of curve ball that is thrown at you in the exam. This is what worked for Liam Mariga who achieved eight H1s in his Leaving Cert in 2018. Through using exam papers and textbooks together, you can gain a deep understanding of each topic and be well prepared for the exams. Access our tailored Maths study plan here.

2. Read the question several times

Make sure you understand exactly what is being asked in each question before you start answering it. After you answer the question, read over the question again to be sure that you have answered every part of the question and given the examiner exactly what they have asked for. It can be useful to highlight the important information in each question before you start. Get to know the Leaving Cert Maths Grading system better and ace those questions!

3. Watch your Timing

There are two math papers to complete. Each paper will run 2 hours and 30 minutes and will be worth 220 points this year. To make sure you give adequate time to answer each question, you should spend 15 minutes on each question in Section A. For Section B you should spend 25 minutes on each question. This will leave you with 40 minutes to spare so you can answer additional questions and get the most out of the exam.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice

As you come closer to the exam you should focus heavily on getting comfortable with exam questions. You should perfect your technique and be very familiar with the syllabus and way the questions are phrased. Try not to be overwhelmed by a question which is phrased differently, keep reading over it until you understand it. To keep up your practice, we at Breakthrough Maths highly recommend that you find and use past exam papers and marking schemes on Treat them like your new best friend!

Remember to attempt as many questions as possible and not to rub out anything. Examiners cannot give you marks for something that you have rubbed out or crossed out. Bring a watch with you to the exam to make sure you keep track of time. Make sure you have a calculator and are very familiar with how it works. Lastly, don’t forget to eat well, get at least 8 hours of sleep a night and get in some exercise between study sessions. These tips should put you well on your way to achieving the maximum points for your Leaving Cert.

These are 4 core steps on how to get 625 points in the Leaving Cert.

Wishing you the very Best of luck,

T.J â€“ CEO of Breakthrough Maths

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TJ Hegarty
TJ Hegarty
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