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If you are a student who has just finished their Junior Cert and isn’t happy with how your result went, we will tell you all you need to know about the appeal process for your Junior Cert results below.
What you need to know first;
The Actual Appeal Process
What happens during the appeal process? Your script is sent to an appeal examiner for re-marking. This examiner is different from the examiner who originally marked your work. In some subjects involving practical/project work it may be necessary for an appeal examiner to visit the school to re-mark work stored by the school.
Is the same marking scheme used for re-marking?
Yes, it is essential in the interests of equity and fairness that the re-marking on appeal is carried out in accordance with the marking scheme for that subject. This ensures that appeal examiners apply the same standards in re-marking as were applied to all candidates in the examination. The marking schemes in all examination subjects are published prior to the Viewing of Scripts and are available in our Examination Material Archive or from the Organising Superintendent at the viewing session.
If I am just a few marks short of the next grade am I likely to be awarded them on appeal?
Not necessarily. The appeal process exists to ensure that the marking scheme has been applied consistently and fairly to your work. Appeal examiners are not searching for additional marks to “bring a candidate up to the next grade”. In fairness to all other candidates who took the examination, examiners can award only those marks due to you according to the marking scheme.
For example, it is quite possible for a candidate to be 1 mark short of the next grade point in a subject with a maximum of 600 marks. The appeal examiner does not conduct the appeal on the basis of seeking that additional mark for the candidate. Indeed it is possible that the appeal examiner could either add or deduct marks as the marking scheme is applied afresh question by question to your work.
Can a result be downgraded on appeal?
Yes. The results published in August are provisional and accordingly a result can be downgraded in certain circumstances. This is because the appeal process exists to ensure that the marking scheme was fully and properly applied to the work produced at the examination. Consistent and fair application of the marking schemes ensures equitable treatment for all candidates.
In what circumstances can a downgrade occur?
A downgrade could result automatically if a candidate loses sufficient marks for any of the following factual/technical reasons:-
there is a clear error in the summation of marks, incorrect inclusion of marks, (e.g., credit given for a question or part of a question that should have been disallowed),and/or,
the candidate has been awarded marks for an answer that is clearly and unambiguously not in accordance with the marking scheme.
In addition, a Chief Examiner can recommend a downgrade where the reduction in marks derives from an error of judgement by the examiner (as distinct from (a) and (b) above). In such circumstances a downgrade would not normally occur where there is a marginal difference. In other words, a revised lower mark is only reckoned where the Chief Examiner considers it to be in line with what would be awarded by the generality of examiners.
Junior Cert
Source: Citizens Information – Junior Cert appeals
Appealing your results: If you wish to appeal your Junior Certificate examination results, you should apply through your school.
Appealing Junior Certificate Examination Results
I am a Junior Certificate examination candidate. Can I view my marked examination script? No. Candidates in the Junior Certificate do not have the opportunity to view their marked scripts.
Can I appeal my results? Yes. If you wish to appeal a result in any subject in the Junior Certificate you must apply to do so through your school. Your school can then apply to the State Examinations Commission on your behalf. All applications from schools must be sent to the State Examinations Commission accompanied by the appropriate payment. All applications from the school should reach the Commission. Late applications received will not be considered. The Commission will not accept applications directly from individual candidates, parents or teachers
What is the appeal fee?
The appeal fee for Junior Certificate is €32.00 per subject. The fee will be refunded if the outcome of the appeal is that you are awarded a higher grade.
What happens during the appeal process?
Your script is sent to an appeal examiner for re-marking. This examiner is different from the examiner who originally marked your work. The appeal examiner completes a full remarking of your exam using the official marking scheme. In some subjects involving practical/project work it may be necessary for an appeal examiner to visit the school to re-mark work stored by the school.
Is it possible that I could receive a lower Junior Certificate examination result on appeal?
No. Junior Certificate examination results are not reduced on appeal even if the appeal examiner finds that the marks awarded originally were too high.The practice recognises that the appeals process exists to ensure that the marking scheme was fully and properly applied to the work produced at the examination and that Junior Certificate candidates do not have the opportunity to see the application of the marking scheme to their work.
When will the results of the Junior Certificate appeals be known?
We plan to post the Junior Cert appeal results to schools no later than the second week in November.
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