Leaving Cert NFQ Level

For anyone filling out their CAO at the moment, you’ll hear a lot of talk about college course levels – Level 5s, Level 6/7s, and Level 8s – but do you know the Leaving Cert NFQ Level?

The Leaving Certificate is the final exam for secondary school students in Ireland, and for many of us, it is the first formal qualification we will ever receive. But the Leaving Cert is more than just a piece of paper telling you how well you survived the exams!

Today we are going to explain the NFQ and the Leaving Cert NFQ Level, as this will explain to you exactly the value of this little piece of paper in the big world!

What is the NFQ?

The Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is a system that describes the different levels of educational qualification and training system in Ireland. The NFQ was launched in 2003, and it is now an integral part of the Irish education system.

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) develops, promotes, and maintains this framework.

The NFQ system is user-friendly and has special awards for essential learning to the most advanced level, meaning there are both Junior and Leaving Cert NFQ Levels.

The NFQ also allows international students to easily compare and contrast qualifications to plan their education, training, and career progression in Ireland, and helps Irish students understand the value of their qualifications abroad!

What Are NFQ Levels?

The NFQ is a framework system consisting of 10 levels, from beginners to advanced education. Each level demonstrates the national standard of learning and is associated with 4 types of NFQ awards which describe the purpose, volume, and progression of that particular level. 

For example, the Irish Leaving Cert NFQ Level is a 4 or 5, and the Doctorate is at NFQ level 10, which quickly gives us an idea about how complex the Doctorate is compared to the Leaving Cert!

Qualifications in the Irish education and training system. Source: QQI

A fan diagram is used to describe the progression of the NFQ levels. This structure also helps to choose courses necessary for certain levels and ensure that you follow your present level qualifications. 

What is the Leaving Cert NFQ Level?

According to the QQI, the Leaving Cert NFQ Level comes in at about 4 or 5, which means its no walk in the park!

As it is a Levels 4/5, the Leaving Cert can become quite hard depending on your preparation. So it’s best to start preparing early and begin with regularly solving past exam papers and taking help from available resources. 

If you need extra help with Leaving Cert Maths, you can join our Online Maths Grinds. We provide weekly notes and questions to enhance your maths skills. Our small online classes consist of 6 students or less to ensure that every student gets the best guidance possible. We also offer WhatsApp support for any extra queries outside of our grinds! 

You can check our online maths video resources or book a grind to start your journey!

Why does the Leaving Cert NFQ Level matter?

The Leaving Cert is one of the most critical NFQ Levels. That is why senior students should put their best foot forward for the Leaving Cert.

If you are struggling to study, fear not! We have a fantastic blog on How To Study For Leaving Cert!

Need more information? Read our complete overview of the Leaving Cert for a more in-depth analysis. Make sure to go through our Leaving Cert grading system to better understand the complex common points scale. 

Good luck with the exams, we know you’re going to smash them!

T.J – CEO of Breakthrough Maths

Need help in Maths? Contact the Breakthrough Maths team here.

TJ Hegarty
TJ Hegarty
Articles: 58